Soup & Salad Info
It's not to late to join us for Soup and Salad on January 30th. Kathy
Broderson will be our hostess and we will begin at 11:00 with our
program beginning about 12:00
Dr. Stephanie Hines will be talking about menopause, a unique
condition you are either going through, have gone through or will go
through! No one's exempt
It's a great opportunity to have a nice, healthy lunch with new and
old friends and learn something about menopause.
RSVP to Caron Randle @ 285-0867 or
Take JTB to San Pablo RD.
Turn SOUTH on San Pablo RD.
Go about 1/2 mile to guard gate of Pablo Creek Reserve.
After gate proceed about 1/3 mile to 4-way intersection.
Turn right onto Commissioners Dr. and continue to next right which is
Tallulah Lake Court.
We are the first left on Tallulah Lake Court(5227).
Kathy's home phone 223-9084
See you on Jan. 30th.
FYI Kathy's address will not come up on mapquest or on your GPS.
